Institutional Values and Best Practices
7.1.1 Annual gender sensitization action plan
facilities provided for women
Solar Energy Data 2023-2024 relevant documents
7.1.2 - Geotagged File Alternate Source of Energy
Solar Energy Data_2023_2024relevant documents_compressed
Geo tagged photographs of the facilities
Geo tagged photographs of the facilities_final
Geo tagged photographs
relevent documents
Assesment report Green & Ecofriendly
Geo tagged photos
plastic ban policy
Any other relevant information
Certificates of the awards received
Certification by the auditing agency
Reports on environment and energy audits submitted by the auditing agency
7.1.7 - Geo tagged photographs
Details of the Software procured for providing the assistance
Policy doc disable
7.1.8 - Supporting documents on the information provided
7.1.9 - Details of activities that inculcate values_ necessary to render students in to responsible citizens
7.1.11 - activity
7.1.11 activities report
geotagged photos
Best practices in the Institutional website
bp relevant doc
Appropriate web in the Institutional website
IDother relevent documents